SupaScreen® Security Screens

Tech Spec

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SupaScreen security door and window screens are an innovative design allowing unobstructed views, whilst still providing security protection to the AS5041-2003 standard.

Key Features

Produced from high tensile, marine grade woven 316 stainless steel that is woven into a fine mesh, SupaScreen screens provide exceptional security and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Screens are assembled using a unique patented pressure process, eliminating the need for screws or rivets. This means no dissimilar metals come into contact with the mesh, eliminating this as a possible cause of erosion. SupaScreen doors are available in both sliding and hinged configurations and windows in sliding, hinged and fixed configurations.

All SupaScreen screen frames can be colour matched to existing joinery and high quality triple point locking systems are standard on all doors.

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